Some time ago I started working on a project called “The Deeper Meaning of Everything,” a sort of open eBook project (possibly including additional future input from contributors), basically a conglomeration of notes & thoughts about how the things we encounter in every day life and in creation have a deeper meaning behind them, a message from God to us, that we just have to open our senses in order to perceive…
Since it’s intended to become an open, growing and progressing project (with no end in sight, necessarily, since the things we learn from life, I believe, are also intended to go on forever), I’ve decided to go ahead an post it in its current, incomplete state (I’m including tons of web links in the book, and I’m just about half-way through with that), instead of waiting for any state comparable to completion.
As you can tell by the raw state of some or many of my songs available for download, I’d rather have people benefit from my productions sooner than wait until they’re “perfect” or good enough to pat myself on the back. I’m not as interested in showing off what I can do as I am in getting out the message I believe my songs are merely a vessel or frame for.
A few months after starting to work on the project, I also got the inspiration for another, similar project, only dealing with the things we can learn from the folks and characters in the Bible, and although this project is not yet finished, either, I also decided to post (or publish) it in its raw state, since references to it are being made in “The Deeper Meaning of Everything.”
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