Friday, October 31, 2008
Join Us On "Farewell Mr. President!"
Hi everyone. Here’s a song I wrote and recorded this week in order to get some things off of my chest about the man who will probably go down in history as the man who gave Christendom’s image in the world the final blow, furthering the cause of those who say that the world would be better off without it or any faith for that matter.
Regardless of religious convictions, though, I would like to invite anyone around the world who happens to be able to identify with its content and message of this song, to join in on it.
All you need is a webcam or a headset with a mic and sing along with the song, record it and mail me ( the clip, and you’ll be included in an extended version of the song & video.
Although I’m referring to the chorus of the song in particular, which should be fairly easy to sing along to, if there’s a particular line in the song you like, you can also sing that one, although I can’t promise to include the audio, depending on the quality. (That applies only to the verses. All contributed audios will be included on the chorus, providing they’re half-way in tune.)
Since this leader’s politics have affected citizens from just about any nation on this planet, your contribution will be added regardless of nationality.
Looking forward to making a racket with you,
Song Lyrics:
Farewell Mr. President
This is a song for you, though it’s a song you’ll never hear
The man who’s wrecked & ruled “the greatest nation on God’s earth” for 8 long years
Oblivious to the facts, oblivious to how it feels to have lost a son in Iraq
for some greedy, old men’s petrol deals
I wonder who’ll wipe off that grin from your mischievous monkey face
You’re wading knee-deep in your sins, the blood of thousands on your hands
Of all the hypocrites I’ve seen you were the one that takes the cake
Farewell, Mr. President!
You sure fulfilled your daddy’s dreams: that New World Order’s rolling in
Cause, after all, what have you been than a mere puppet to their schemes?
And best of all, you’ve done it all in the Name of the One you hate
Cause you were taught not to repeat the one mistake your daddy made
The hypocrites fell for you the way that brand of people do
But me, I see right through your wicked smirk, oh, yes, I do
Farewell, Mr. President!
So now you’re leaving with a bang, the way that big-shot people do
to leave another man to hang in the place you have left him to
I suppose history will show what you did, who you were for real
Perhaps our grandchildren will know what all you schemers now conceal
But in a long, black list of fools, I think you’ll be and always will
the most pathetic one to me
Farewell, Mr. President!
War is your game, war has been your creed
Though it’s sure as hell not you who fight, no you let other people bleed
The wind you have sown, the storm you will reap
So, come on get down off your thrown, make room for yet another creep
“We won’t get fooled again,” is that what we really believed?
But then we’ll believe anything, anything - you screwed us over in our sleep
Farewell, Mr. President!
(So long, farewell, Goodbye, Auf Wiedersehen)
Sure had us fooled again
(Bye Bye, Miss American Pie)
Farewell, Mr. President!
(So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu)
Please, don’t come around again
(Bye Bye, Miss American Pie)
Farewell, Mr. President!
Good to see you leave again
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Good Day to Die

In faithful tradition, the second McDozer album for 2008 is done and available for download
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Latest Recordings

Since the last post (of this sort), the following songs have been produced & can be downloaded:
Yearn - I guess another one of those church people would call "worship" songs, and we simply call, "Loving Jesus" songs...
Freedom (We Are The Ones) - McDozer's weirdness in its full perfection
Gimme Truth - I just had to make that sort of public statement that that's what I'm after...
(Unfortunately, the video didn't come out all that hot... but what the heck...)
In Thy Skirts - One day I just came up with that lick, & I had just been watching an interview with German film maker Fritz Poppenberg, whose next project is going to be a documentary on abortion... and well, out came this song, the recording of which we also preserved for the YouTube community...
Sum of the Parts is another "Loving Jesus" tune, which I just recorded yesterday, along with
Soul Murder, a song I felt inspired to write after having been on someone's website who (in my opinion, rightly) termed public school "soul murder."
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Deeper Meaning of Everything

Some time ago I started working on a project called “The Deeper Meaning of Everything,” a sort of open eBook project (possibly including additional future input from contributors), basically a conglomeration of notes & thoughts about how the things we encounter in every day life and in creation have a deeper meaning behind them, a message from God to us, that we just have to open our senses in order to perceive…
Since it’s intended to become an open, growing and progressing project (with no end in sight, necessarily, since the things we learn from life, I believe, are also intended to go on forever), I’ve decided to go ahead an post it in its current, incomplete state (I’m including tons of web links in the book, and I’m just about half-way through with that), instead of waiting for any state comparable to completion.
As you can tell by the raw state of some or many of my songs available for download, I’d rather have people benefit from my productions sooner than wait until they’re “perfect” or good enough to pat myself on the back. I’m not as interested in showing off what I can do as I am in getting out the message I believe my songs are merely a vessel or frame for.
A few months after starting to work on the project, I also got the inspiration for another, similar project, only dealing with the things we can learn from the folks and characters in the Bible, and although this project is not yet finished, either, I also decided to post (or publish) it in its raw state, since references to it are being made in “The Deeper Meaning of Everything.”
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
New Songs
We kept up our productivity over the past weeks & recorded the following songs:
BELIEVE IT OR NOT, a stompy tune to remind everyone that there is a God & He love you,
DEPENDING ON YOU, for the ballad lovers, & somewhere in-between the two,
Apart from that, we've been re-recording some old Family tunes like:
What Did Jesus Do
Walking All Alone
and some new German & Spanish stuff...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
New Recordings January 08 & More
King of Love
and Send Me a Light
Also got this wild idea for a Salvation Rap
Finally, as a starter fro a compilation project I'll call "Soul Savers," I recorded an old goldie from the old "Songs That Made the Revolution: "How Long You Been Waiting"
By the way, is there anybody out there who also thinks that kinda sucks?
There are much neater web platforms coming up, in my opinion, like for instance:
or, maybe not quite as fancy,